The Story of the First Automobile: Benz Patent Motor Car

The First Automobile

Carl Benz filed for a patent on his "vehicle powered by a gas engine" on January 29, 1886. The patent, number 37435, is the vehicle's birth certificate. Newspapers covered the first public appearance of the three-wheeled Benz Patent Motor Car, model no. 1, in July 1886.

After all, Mercedes-Benz No. 1 was born early. It is essential, with only one single-cylinder internal combustion engine and three wheels.

During the research and development phase, Mercedes 1 continued to face numerous challenges, but Carl Benz persisted. After persistently pursuing his ambition and putting in a lot of effort, he eventually succeeded in the development in 1886, and Mercedes 1 was born.

Do you know who drove the world's first car?

Everyone knows Carl Benz created the first automobile, but you may be surprised to learn that his wife, Mrs. Bertha Benz, was the first to drive one on the road. She secretly drove the Karl Benz-invented vehicle all the way to the city with the assistance of her two boys.

The Story of the Person Who Created the World's First Car

Everyone reading this page has some fuel in their veins; otherwise, you wouldn't have even clicked on the link. A number of people sparked your fondness for cars, but one person in particular was the catalyst. Let there be light (from a spark plug in the cylinder of an engine)! This time, Dyler is writing about the most significant figure in the history of automobiles. Karl Friedrich Benz was the individual who delivered the vehicle to us.