5 Fastest Electric RC Planes

Glow and gas RC airplanes used to have more power and speed than their electric counterparts. Although there is a sense of superiority when it comes to being able to fly more quickly and aggressively with glow and gas models, RC flying clubs have never turned away pilots who prefer electric models. Modern electric brushless motors have essentially replaced the nitro and gas-powered airplanes of the past, and RC airplane technology has advanced significantly since the drone revolution began around 2010.

The Need For RC Speed

All RC pilots, whether they are flying automobiles, trucks, boats, or airplanes, have a strong desire for speed. With innovative technology that eliminates crashes and makes controlling model aircraft easier, electric RC airplanes eliminate the speed issue that can plague novice nitro and gas RC pilots. Here are five of our fastest electric remote-controlled aircraft:

Habu STS EDF Smart Jet

E-Flite, the leading brand of electric remote-controlled aircraft, is well-known for developments like Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope (SAFE) technology, which enables novice pilots to begin flying models like the Habu. In the past, choosing RC jets as their first models deterred novice pilots, but that is no longer the case. Beginners can start with the Habu jet and upgrade to a 4S LiPo battery to make it even better!

F-16 Thunderbird 70mm Ducted Fan Jet

In the realm of RC airplanes, military-size models are highly valued. E-Flite has published this quick reproduction of the F-16 Thunderbird used by the Air Force demonstration and aerobatics squad, which comes just after the success of the US Navy's F4 Corsair.

Su-30 Twin 70mm EDF Jet

In fact, the Russian Falcons, which are the American Thunderbirds' equivalents, still fly this fighter-attack jet hybrid that was created in the last days of the Soviet Union. Each 70mm ducted fan motor's blades provide a pleasing turbine sound, as you might expect.

F-18 Hornet 80mm EDF Jet

As everyone knows, one of the most dependable fighter jets operated by American forces is still the F-18 Hornet. An accurate scale model of the aircraft flown by VMFA(AW)-242, a Marine Corps squadron highly valued by infantry and ground units operating in Iraq, the F/A-18 now in use by the Marine Corps plays a covert assault role. This E-Flite model's 80mm ducted fan is sure to satisfy speed demons.

Havoc Xe 80mm EDF Jet

Even though it might not be the most excellent option for novice pilots, this licensed replica of the Elite Aerosports HAVOC aircraft has SAFE technology because you really want to protect models that fly at these high speeds. The HAVOC's maneuverability and aerobatics are unaffected by its top speed of 140 mph.